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How Did I Get Here? Part 3: Miami Red

When I started college back in 2013, I said over and over that Miami University was perfect because it was located in a small college town and once you graduated you would WANT to leave because there'd be nothing left for you. Obviously I had no idea I would be WORKING there so shortly after graduation. But you make plans and God laughs. I never knew I'd be forced to navigate the town designed for college students as a young professional.

It's all about being open! Oxford is quite the progressive, welcoming small town with a farmer's market on Saturday mornings and a beautiful green park in the middle of the uptown area. In the 5 weeks I have worked here I have discovered more about the town then I did in my 4 years as an undergraduate. I always looked at Oxford as just the location of my undergraduate institute.

redhawk red

And here I am sporting "Miami Red" smiling so big it hurts to look at it! I am thankful for where I am.

THE POINT IS you never know what God has planned for you. My summer was a hot mess. I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going - mentally and literally. As hard as it was, I forced myself to pray and continue to ask God to lead me. I love where God has placed me now but I still struggle with trusting Him and His plan. It's hard to let go, but we have to. Whether you're religious or not this is a universal message. I believe everything happens for a reason but that involves cooperation. Give and take. Your time will come!

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